Sunday, March 13, 2011

Opinion of Video

Two mondays ago, we watched a video in class that explained the lawsuit between a young girl whose photo was shown without her consent in a cell phone ad that was widely displayed. As the young girl and her family argued that it wasn't right to display the photograph without her consent, the cell phone company brought up the risk of the internet. I agree with the girl and her family. If my face is going to be plastered all over town, I want a say in what the picture looks like, where it is being shown and how much I would get paid for it. I definitely think the girl should have been paid, because in that case, she potentially could have been a large part of their sales revenue. Also, the girl was religious, and the ad was not exactly G rated. Although it was not offensive, it almost had a sexual air about it, since the cell phone company was Virgin Mobile. That being said, I think that if any company wants to use a picture that someone else has ownership over, the right thing to do is to ask permission of that person, because they have every right to their own privacy.

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